Is Cable and Satellite TV a Thing of the Past
Released on = January 16, 2007, 10:45 am
Press Release Author = Fresh Technology Reviews
Industry = Internet & Online
Press Release Summary = There are those who would say that purchasing a package from your local cable or satellite operator is the only way to get local and national channels. While many could agree with this, one 27 year old breaks this television paradigm and discovers a new resource to not only get local and national channels, but global ones as well.
Press Release Body = If you walk into anyone's house that has a television, chances are that person will either have a cable or satellite package to get all of their channels. Since satellite and cable technology have dominated the field of television entertainment, it is no surprise that people consider these the only two options available. But, as the Internet evolves, the idea of having only cable and satellite alternatives is becoming a thing of the past.
"I personally can't stand paying monthly fees for television. It's just getting too expensive," said Josh, a 27-year-old from Jacksonville, Florida. "I knew that with the Internet in its current state that there had to be an alternative to traditional cable and satellite television. [It] turns out there was."
Josh discovered that he could get local, national, and global channels right off of the Internet. All that he needed to do was buy a simple software package and within five minutes, he was getting channels that once could only be gotten through cable and satellite packages.
"It's great," he said as he changed the channel to ESPN. "I get something like 3,000 channels, and they are all exactly identical to the ones you get in [cable and satellite] television packages. The best part is you only pay a one-time fee, so I can kiss those monthly charges goodbye. A couple of years ago, this could have been considered robbery."
For some people, the Internet is for educational uses only. While they may have downloaded an online video once or twice, they will never take into consideration the fact that the Internet may one day take over the way television is currently watched (or even television in its entirety, for that matter). Today's youth seem to have an advantage since they are getting involved as this kind of technology develops.
Josh was able to spot this new form of television through exploring what the Internet had to offer. "I only wish I found something like this back in college," said Josh.
More information about Josh's story and how he discovered this new form of television can be found at
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